Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Silly Things

These are some of the top things that have happened to me lately.

1. One of my best friends came home! We are so glad to have Oviatt back! It has been so much fun.

2. Sam fell down our stairs the other night. hahaha that has gotta be one of the funniest things i've ever experienced! Man he is big and it was loud!

3. Mine and Kortney's "shortcut" in the parking lot didn't work out so well. So there is a median with rocks in one of the SUU parking lots, and me and kort like to drive over it as a little shortcut, not to mention its really quite funny. Well the other day we went to use our shortcut, and a car pulled up so we couldn't drive forward! We stared at the other driver like "what are you doing?!" but in reality, what were we doing! So here we were, in a little honda on top of the rocks, and no where to go! We had to back out and go the right way. :)

4. Thriller! This is so much fun every year! The dancers are amazing.
 Haleigh, Me, and Terin

 5. (my favorite number!) Last but definitely not least- This boy is coming home soon! :)And i got a letter!
He's handsome :)

He is a crazy boy and i miss him!

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